April 8 Update Graphic

April 8, 2020

Good Afternoon Warren Students, Families, and Staff, 

Although the calendar states that we should be back in our buildings and classrooms this week, we are heartbroken that this is not possible. 

I am very proud of our students, families and staff during these difficult times, I have seen so many kind gestures and an increase of community connections. Keep up the great work Warren! 

This week, we are distributing close to 5,000 devices to our K-8 students at their home schools. These distributions are being scheduled by Intermediate / Middle School Feeder systems. Today is Creston, Grassy Creek, Eastridge, Lakeside; Thursday is Stonybrook, Brookview, Sunny Heights, Pleasant Run; and Friday is Raymond Park, Liberty Park, Lowell, Hawthorne. Please visit our district website for times and to complete the online request form. If families are not able to pick up a device on your scheduled day, arrangements will be made for an additional distribution. This will be shared from each school principal. 

Learn at Home / eLearning will officially begin the week of April 13th. I am incredibly excited and proud of the work that our teachers and administrators are doing to prepare meaningful and interactive experiences for our students. We recognize that these next 7 weeks will be challenging for all involved. We will be seeking your feedback as we progress down this uncharted path together. If you have questions or feedback, please use our eLearning hotline phone number 317-608-0545 or email MSDWarrenELEARNING@warren.k12.in.us

Our food outreach plan remains Tuesday and Fridays from 11:00 - 1:00 at  Eastridge, Hawthorne, Pleasant Run Elementary, Creston, Raymond Park, Stonybrook Intermediate Middle Schools, Warren Central High School, Washington Pointe, Braeburn, Knoll Ridge Apartments, and Shiloh Estates Mobile Park. Wednesday evenings will be from 5:30 - 7:00 at Post Road Christian Church and Lakeside Elementary.


If you find yourself in need beyond what is being offered, a District Community Outreach hotline and email have been created. You can either call 317-869-4308 or email MSDWarrenOutreach@warren.k12.in.us with your information. Someone from the district will contact you as soon as possible. 

I recognize that there are some unanswered questions about graduation, retrieving student items from classrooms or lockers, and barriers to internet access. Please know we are working on these and other issues that need to be addressed.


Finally, As we continue to slow and stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, I have been asked by the Marion County Health Department to strongly discourage use of parks, playgrounds and gathering in large groups. If we all do our part, we can get back to our normal routine sooner than later.


Please continue to monitor our website, district app, school newsletters and social media Twitter and Facebook accounts for additional information. Be safe Warrior Nation! 

Dr. Tim Hanson, Superintendent of Schools for MSD Warren Township