MSD of Warren Townships has a 1:1 program for all grades. Grades K-8 use iPads while grades 9-12 use Chromebooks. Each student will receive a device to be used in the classroom for educational purposes. Teachers will be expanding the use of technology for all instruction, including assignments, projects, research and assessment.


We believe that providing devices to our students will help:
Prepare students to be productive, responsible citizens in the Digital Age.
Increase access to resources
Increase oral language development, productivity, and efficiency
MSD of Warren Township students will be critical thinkers, collaborators, and strong communicators in the technological world.
Screen Care
Chromebook/iPad screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment.
Do not to lean on top of the Chromebook/iPad with body weight.
Refrain from placing heavy textbooks or other items thrown into a backpack on top of the Chromebook/iPad that could put pressure on the screen.
Do not lift the Chromebook from its screen when opened.
Clean the screen with a soft, dry anti-static, or microfiber cloth. Do not use window cleaner or any type of liquid on the Chromebook. You can also use packaged pre-moistened eyeglass lens cleaning tissues to clean the screen. Non-bleach wipes may be used to clean the Chromebook or iPad as long as they are only damp and not soaked or dripping.
No food or drink allowed near your Chromebook/iPad
Insert cables into the Chromebook/iPad carefully.
Never shove your Chromebook/iPad into a cabinet or wedge it into a book bag as this could break the screen.
If a student takes a Chromebook/iPad home, it is that student's responsibility to bring the Chromebook/iPad to school charged and ready to go each day. The Chromebook/iPad should be charged overnight to ensure a full charge for the following school day.