Warren Township School Police
The Warren Township School Police Department is focused on providing a secure and safe learning environment inside and outside of the school for all students and staff. As a school-based police department, we promote the importance of developing positive relationships with students and the community through outreach programs, such as Read with a Cop, Police Cadet Camp, the Women In Power program, as well as student-focused safety programs such as bullying and cyber safety.

MSD Warren Township welcomes family volunteerism, assistance in the classroom, and observation of your child in the instructional setting.
During the course of the school day, all perimeter doors are locked.
All visitors, personnel, and late students must enter through the main door of the building and are subject to an identification and security check.
All visitors are required to check in using our visitor management system.
If you need to speak with a teacher regarding your child’s progress, homework, behavior, or other matters, please call to make an appointment. The teacher will not be able to hold conversations/conferences during instructional time. Parents must request a classroom visit with the building principal with at least 24-hour notice. Visitor policies are subject to change due to District-wide health and safety protocols.
Warren Township School Police direct bus traffic, student drop-off during morning arrival, afternoon dismissal, and athletics and special events. In addition, Warren Township School Police monitors all bus radio communication. Buses are monitored and equipped with video recording equipment and GPS tracking.
School Safety Drills
Warren Township School Police conduct school safety drills throughout the school year. The purpose of practice drills is to ensure students and staff are prepared to quickly make their way to safety in an emergency situation.
Additional practices to ensure school safety are not shared here due to the confidential nature of safety plans and capabilities.